CCTV Pipeline inspection
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(317) 296 - 8003
CCTV Pipeline Inspection
Robotic video Inspection of pipelines and other infrastructure types. Allows for monitoring and detection of any changes in the condition of sewer pipelines. The CCTV camera is attached to a tractor or float and is lowered into the sewer. Our PACP certified operators use remote controls to move the camera throughout the pipeline and inspect and detect any damage or deterioration
- High quality video reports for changes in environment
- Accurately pinpoint issues, to remove guess work
- Professionally trained operators to guarantee results
Hd rovers & Laser Profiling
State of the Art high definition cameras allow for better quality images during camera inspection. Laser Profiling is a method used to map the profile of a pipe.
PACP Inspections
NASSCO’s Pipeline Assessment Certification Program (PACP®) is a program designed for consistent assessment coding of underground infrastructure. All US Hydrovac camera operators are PACP certified.
Lateral Launch Inspections
Lateral launch is a sewer inspection system which allows you to inspect laterals from the mainline. This service is also referred to as cross bore inspection, or cross bore mitigation.
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